Sunday, October 7, 2018


You are the God who feeds and nourishes.
You are the God who assures that we have more than enough,
  and we do not doubt that
  you satisfy the desire of every living thing.

Even in such an assurance, however,
   we scramble for more food,
   After we have filled all our baskets
               with manna,
   we seek a surplus---
       enough education to plan ahead,
       enough power to protect our supply,
       enough oil to assure that protection.

And in the midst of that
        comes your word,
      that we share bread and feed the hungry,
         even to the least and so to you.
We mostly keep our bread for ourselves,
                                                our neighbors,
                                                and our friends.

It does not occur to us often,
        to feel our enemies,
        to share your bounty with
                    those who threaten us.

We do not often remember to break vicious cycles
      of hostility
           by free bread,
           by free water,
           by free wine,
           by free milk.
Until we remember that you are the giver of all good gifts,
                                                 ours to enjoy,
                                                  ours to share.

Stir us by your spirit beyond fearful accumulation
         toward outrageous generosity,
      that giving bread to others
              makes for peace,
      that giving drink to others
               makes for justice,
      that giving and sharing opens the world
               and assures abundance for all.

We pray this even as we ponder the gift of your Son,
    whom we ingest as bread and wine,
         and tasting, find ourselves
               forgiven and renewed.
    Feed us till we want no more!

Prayers for a Privileged People, Walter Brueggemann

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